


巨量引擎广告投放平台系指北京巨量引擎网络技术有限公司(以下简称“公司”)合法运营的、标注名称为 “巨量引擎广告投放平台”的网站(https://ad.oceanengine.com/)及标注名称为“巨量引擎”的客户端应用程序(以下简称“广告投放平台”)。《巨量引擎广告投放平台用户协议》(以下简称“本协议”)是您与公司之间就您下载、安装、注册、登录、使用(以下统称“使用”)广告投放平台及获得广告投放平台提供的相关服务所订立的协议。





当您合作巨量引擎旗下各营销服务平台, 如广告投放平台、飞鱼CRM等平台时,你需要先创建一个巨量引擎商业账号。登录该账号才可进一步创建相应平台的业务账户。 您应遵守该营销服务平台自身的用户协议及隐私政策等其他协议条款的规定,并同样适用本政策中的相关条款。



2.1 您可以通过标注名称为 “巨量引擎广告投放平台”的网站(https://ad.oceanengine.com/)及标注名称为“巨量引擎”的客户端应用程序使用广告投放平台及相关服务。当您通过“巨量引擎”客户端应用程序使用广告投放平台及相关服务,可以通过预装、公司已授权的第三方下载等方式获取“巨量引擎”客户端应用程序或访问巨量引擎广告投放平台相关网站。若您并非从公司或经公司授权的第三方获取“巨量引擎”的客户端应用程序的,公司无法保证非官方版本的巨量引擎”客户端应用程序能够正常使用,您因此遭受的损失与公司无关。

2.2 公司可能为不同的终端设备开发不同的应用程序软件版本,您应当根据实际设备状况获取、下载、安装合适的版本。

2.3 您可根据需要自行使用“巨量引擎”客户端应用程序及相关服务或更新“巨量引擎”客户端应用程序版本,如您不再需要使用“巨量引擎”客户端应用程序及相关服务,您也可自行卸载相应的应用程序软件。

2.4 为更好的提升用户体验及服务,公司将不定期提供广告投放平台及相关服务的更新或改变(包括但不限于软件修改、升级、功能强化、开发新服务、软件替换等),您可根据需要自行选择是否更新相应的版本。为保证广告投放平台及相关服务安全、提升用户服务,广告投放平台及相关服务部分或全部更新后,公司将在可行情况下以适当方式(包括但不限于系统提示、公告、站内信等)提示您,您有权选择接受更新后版本;如您选择不作更新,则广告投放平台 及相关服务的部分功能将受到限制或不能正常使用。

2.5 除非得到公司明示事先书面授权,您不得以任何形式对广告投放平台及相关服务进行包括但不限于改编、复制、传播、垂直搜索、镜像或交易等未经授权的访问或使用。

2.6 您理解,您使用广告投放平台及相关服务需自行准备与服务有关的终端设备(如电脑、手机等装置),一旦您在您终端设备中打开“巨量引擎”客户端应用程序或访问巨量引擎广告投放平台相关网站,即视为您使用广告投放平台及相关服务。为充分实现广告投放平台的全部功能,您可能需要将您的终端设备联网,您理解您应自行承担所需要的费用(如流量费、上网费等)。

2.7 公司许可您一项个人的、可撤销的、不可转让的、非独占地和非商业的合法使用广告投放平台及相关服务的权利。本协议未明示授权的其他一切权利仍由公司保留,您在行使该些权利前须另行获得公司的书面许可,同时公司如未行使前述任何权利,并不构成对该权利的放弃。

2.8 您无需注册也可开始使用广告投放平台及相关服务,但部分功能或服务可能会受到影响。同时,您也理解,为使您更好地使用广告投放平台及相关服务,保障您的帐号安全,某些功能和/或某些单项服务项目,要求您按照国家相关法律法规的规定,提供真实的身份信息注册并登录后方可使用。若您提交的材料或提供的信息不准确、不真实、不规范、不合法或者公司有理由怀疑为错误、不实或不合法的资料,则公司有权拒绝为您提供相关服务,您可能无法使用广告投放平台相关服务或在使用过程中部分功能受到限制。

2.9 推广服务协议


2.10 授权条款


2.10.2 您授权公司基于广告合规调查、认定,违规、产品问题排查、处理,纠纷、争议解决,数据推广分析及优化,风险控制及公司内部审计的目的,对于您账号投放的广告相关内容进行查看,并收集您广告曝光、展示等相关信息。同时,基于您的请求或授权,公司或您请求、授权的主体,可基于您请求、授权相关内容,对于您账号投放的广告相关内容进行查看、操作等处理。


3.1 广告投放平台为您提供了登录通道,您有权选择合法的字符组合作为自己的账号,并自行设置符合安全要求的密码。用户设置的账号、密码是用户用以登录并使用广告投放平台及相关服务的凭证。在注册、使用和管理帐号时,您应保证注册帐号时填写的身份信息的真实性,请您在注册、管理帐号时使用真实、准确、合法、有效的相关身份证明材料及必要信息(包括您的姓名及电子邮件地址、联系电话、联系地址等)。

3.2 您理解并承诺,您所设置的账号不得违反国家法律法规及公司的相关规则,不得实施任何侵害国家利益、损害其他公民合法权益,有害社会道德风尚的行为,您的账号名称、头像和简介等注册信息及其他信息中不得出现违法和不良信息,未经他人许可不得用他人名义(包括但不限于冒用他人姓名、名称、字号、头像等足以让人引起混淆的方式)开设账号,不得恶意注册广告投放平台账号(包括但不限于频繁注册、批量注册账号等行为)。公司有权对您提交的信息进行审核。

3.3 您的账号仅限于您本人使用,未经公司书面同意,禁止以任何形式赠与、借用、出租、转让、售卖或以其他方式许可他人使用该账号。如果公司发现或者有合理理由认为使用者并非账号初始注册人,为保障账号安全,公司有权立即暂停或终止向该注册账号提供服务,或注销该账号。

3.4 您有责任维护您的账号、密码的安全性与保密性,并对您的注册账号下所产生的一切操作行为承担全部法律责任,包括但不限于您在广告投放平台及相关服务上进行的任何操作行为可能引起的一切法律责任。您应高度重视对账号与密码的保密,在任何情况下不向他人透露账号及密码。若发现他人未经许可使用您的账号或发生其他任何安全漏洞问题时,您应当立即通知公司。

3.5 您理解并知悉,您在广告投放平台注册账号以及以注册账号在广告投放平台所从事活动均已获得相应权限范围内的授权,您承诺对您账号下设立的巨量引擎广告投放平台(域名:https://ad.oceanengine.com/)账户下的操作行为承担一切法律责任,您使用广告投放平台及相关服务将由您承担责任,如您因超出授权范围或期限使用而引起您与授权主体或其他主体之间的任何争议或纠纷,均由您自行处理解决,与公司无关。

3.6 在丢失账号或遗忘密码时,您可遵照公司的申诉途径及时申诉请求找回账号或密码。您理解并认可,公司的密码找回机制仅需要识别申诉单上所填资料与系统记录资料具有一致性,而无法识别申诉人是否系真正账号有权使用者。公司特别提醒您应妥善保管您的账号和密码。当您使用完毕后,应安全退出。如因您保管不当等自身原因或其他不可抗力因素导致遭受盗号或密码丢失,您将自行承担相应责任。

3.7 在需要终止使用广告投放平台账号服务时,您可以申请关闭或注销您的广告投放平台账号,经确认符合关闭或注销条件后将予以关闭和注销。注销帐号后,您仍应对您在注销帐号前且使用广告投放平台服务期间的行为承担相应责任。注销成功后,帐号记录、功能等将无法恢复或提供。



5、 用户行为规范

5.1 用户行为要求


5.1.1 使用未经公司授权或许可的任何插件、外挂、系统或第三方工具对广告投放平台及相关服务的正常运行进行干扰、破坏、修改或施加其他影响,或通过其他非常规方式影响广告投放平台的正常服务。

5.1.2 利用或针对广告投放平台及相关服务进行任何危害计算机网络安全的行为,包括但不限于:









(9) 对广告投放平台及相关服务进行反向工程、反向汇编、编译或者以其他方式尝试发现本平台的源代码;

(10) 恶意注册广告投放平台及相关服务的账号,包括但不限于频繁、批量注册账号;

(11) 违反法律法规、本协议、公司的相关规则及侵犯他人合法权益的其他行为。

5.1.3 制作、复制、上传、发布、传播(包括但不限于上传至广告投放平台的未公开、未发布的内容有违法律法规、社会主义制度、国家利益、公民合法权益、社会公共秩序、道德风尚和信息真实性等“七条底线”要求的信息,包括但不限于:





















i. 任何暴力和/或自残行为内容;

ii. 任何威胁生命健康、利用刀具等危险器械表演的危及自身或他人人身及/或财产权利的内容;



5.1.4 如果公司有理由认为您的行为违反或可能违反上述约定的,公司可独立进行判断并处理,且有权在不事先通知的情况下终止向您提供服务,采取相应处理措施,并追究相关法律责任。

5.2 您可按照公司公示的投诉举报制度向公司投诉、举报各类违法违规行为、违法传播活动、违法有害信息等内容,公司将及时受理和处理您的投诉举报,以共同营造风清气正的网络空间。


6.1 未经公司书面许可,您不得自行或授权、允许、协助任何第三人对本协议广告投放平台及相关服务中数据信息内容进行如下行为:








7.1 针对您违反本协议或其他服务条款的行为,公司有权独立判断并视情况采取预先警示、立即停止传输信息、限制账号部分或者全部功能直至永久关闭账号等措施。公司有权公告处理结果,且有权根据实际情况决定是否恢复相关账号的使用。对涉嫌违反法律法规、涉嫌违法犯罪的行为将保存有关记录,并依法向有关主管部门报告、配合有关主管部门调查。

7.2 因您违反本协议或其他服务条款规定,引起第三方投诉或诉讼索赔的,您应当自行处理并承担全部可能由此引起的法律责任。因您的违法、侵权或违约等行为导致公司及其关联公司向任何第三方赔偿或遭受国家机关处罚的,您还应足额赔偿公司及其关联公司因此遭受的全部损失。

7.3 公司尊重并保护用户及他人的知识产权、名誉权、姓名权、隐私权等合法权益。您保证,在使用广告投放平台及相关服务时上传的文字、图片、视频、音频、链接等内容不侵犯任何第三方的知识产权、名誉权、姓名权、隐私权等权利及合法权益。否则,公司有权在收到权利方或者相关方通知的情况下移除该涉嫌侵权内容并依据相应的法律法规依据及平台规则处理。针对第三方提出的全部权利主张,您应自行处理并承担全部可能由此引起的法律责任;如因您的侵权行为导致公司及其关联公司遭受损失的(包括经济、商誉等损失),您还应足额赔偿公司及其关联公司遭受的全部损失。

7.4 您应遵守任何可能适用的旨在保护最终用户个人信息、隐私、国家信息安全等的网络安全法律、法规及其它规范;您保证您向广告投放平台上传的数据信息内容,不违反国家相关法律法规及其他规范的规定,并已取得相关权利人的授权许可。如您使用公司服务(包括但不限于数据推广服务)时涉及收集、获取用户个人信息,您应当以适当方式获得信息被收集者的授权同意,且公司保留核验相关授权是否完备的权利。如广告投放平台因使用您提供的数据信息等内容导致公司及/或公司的关联公司受到任何第三方索赔或者国家机关处罚的,您应当足额赔偿公司及/或公司的关联公司因此而遭受的全部损失。


8.1 您理解并同意,公司提供的广告投放平台及相关服务是按照现有技术和条件所能达到的现状提供的。公司会尽最大努力向您提供服务,确保服务的连贯性和安全性。您理解,公司不能随时预见和防范技术以及其他风险,包括但不限于不可抗力、网络原因、第三方服务瑕疵、第三方网站等原因可能导致的服务中断、不能正常使用本平台及服务以及其他的损失和风险。

8.2 您理解并同意,公司为了服务整体运营、广告投放平台运营安全的需要,有权视具体情况有权决定服务/功能设置、范围,修改、中断、中止或终止广告投放平台及相关服务。


9.1 公司在广告投放平台及相关服务中提供的内容(包括但不限于平台、技术、程序、网页、文字、图片、图像、音频、视频、图表、版面设计、电子文档等)的知识产权及相关权利属于公司所有。公司提供本服务时所依托的平台的著作权、专利权及其他知识产权均归公司所有。未经公司许可,任何人不得擅自使用(包括但不限于通过任何机器人、蜘蛛等程序或设备监视、复制、传播、展示、镜像、上载、下载)广告投放平台及相关服务中的内容。







9.5 公司为广告投放平台及相关服务的开发、运营提供技术支持,并对广告投放平台及相关服务的开发和运营等过程中产生的所有数据和信息等享有法律法规允许范围内的全部权利。

9.6 请您在任何情况下都不要私自使用公司的包括但不限于”巨量引擎”和“【https://ad.oceanengine.com/ 】”等在内的任何商标、服务标记、商号、域名、网站名称或其他显著品牌特征等(以下统称为“标识”)。未经公司事先书面同意,您不得将本条款前述标识以单独或结合任何方式展示、使用或申请注册商标、进行域名注册等,也不得实施向他人明示或暗示有权展示、使用、或其他有权处理该些标识的行为。由于您违反本协议使用公司上述商标、标识等给公司或他人造成损失的,由您承担全部法律责任。


10.1 您理解并同意,广告投放平台及相关服务可能会受多种因素的影响或干扰,公司不保证(包括但不限于):

10.1.1 广告投放平台及相关服务完全适合用户的所有使用要求;

10.1.2 广告投放平台及相关服务不受干扰,及时、安全、可靠或不出现任何错误;您经由公司取得的任何平台、服务或其他材料符合用户的期望;

10.1.3 广告投放平台及相关服务中任何错误都将能得到更正。

10.2 广告投放平台所提供的所有信息及材料仅按照其“原来”和“当时存在时“的状态呈现。广告投放平台不会更新或删除这些信息和材料中包含的过时信息,同时不会保证或表示提供的信息是完整和准确的。无论公司及其任何关联公司或附属机构,都没有对该网站所包含的信息的准确性或完整性作出任何陈述、保证、表示或暗示。


10.4 公司依据本协议约定获得处理违法违规内容的权利,该权利不构成公司的义务或承诺,公司不能保证及时发现违法行为或进行相应处理。

10.5 您理解并同意,关于广告投放平台及相关服务,公司不提供任何种类的明示或暗示担保或条件,包括但不限于商业适售性、特定用途适用性等。您对广告投放平台及相关服务的使用行为需自行承担相应风险。

10.6 在任何情况下,公司均不对任何间接性、后果性、惩罚性、偶然性、特殊性或刑罚性的损害,包括因您使用广告投放平台及相关服务而遭受的利润损失,承担责任。公司对您承担的全部责任,无论因何原因或何种行为方式,始终不超过您在有效期限内因使用广告投放平台及相关服务而支付给公司的费用(如有)。


11.1 广告投放平台及相关服务中包含公司以各种合法方式获取的信息或信息内容链接,同时也包括公司及其关联方合法运营的其他单项服务。这些服务在广告投放平台可能以单独板块形式存在。公司有权不时地增加、减少或改动这些特别板块的设置及服务。




12.1 本协议的成立、生效、履行、解释及争议的解决均应适用中华人民共和国法律。若本协议之任何规定因与中华人民共和国的法律抵触而无效或不可执行,则这些条款将尽可能按照接近本协议原条文意旨重新解析,且本协议其它规定仍应具有完整的效力及效果。

12.2 本协议的签订地为中华人民共和国北京市海淀区。若您因本协议与公司发生任何争议,双方应尽量友好协商解决;如协商不成的,您同意应将相关争议提交至北京市海淀区人民法院诉讼解决。

12.3 为给您提供更好的服务或因国家法律法规、政策调整,广告投放平台及相关服务将不时更新与变化,我们会适时对本协议进行修订,这些修订构成本协议的一部分。本协议更新后,我们会在广告投放平台发出更新版本,并在更新后的条款生效前通过官方网站(https://ad.oceanengine.com/)公告或其他适当的方式提醒您更新的内容,以便您及时了解本协议的最新版本,您也可以在网站首页或平台设置页面查阅最新版本的协议条款。如您继续使用广告投放平台及相关服务,表示同意接受修订后的本协议的内容。


12.4 本协议中的标题仅为方便及阅读而设,并不影响本协议中任何规定的含义或解释。

12.5 您和公司均是独立的主体,在任何情况下本协议不构成公司对用户的任何形式的明示或暗示担保或条件,双方之间亦不构成代理、合伙、合营或雇佣关系。

Ocean Advertising Platform User Agreement

1. Introduction
Thank you for using the Ocean Advertising Platform and relevant services.
The Ocean Advertising Platform (also called "Ocean Engine Advertising Platform") refers to the website (https://ad.oceanengine.com/) legally operated by Beijing Ocean Engine Network Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") and labeled as "Ocean Advertising Platform" and the client application labeled as "Ocean Engine" (hereinafter referred to as "Advertising Platform"). The Ocean Advertising Platform User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is an Agreement between you and the Company regarding your download, installation, registration, login, use (collectively, "Use") of the Advertising Platform and obtaining relevant services provided by the Advertising Platform.
Please carefully read and fully understand the Agreement before using the Advertising Platform and relevant services, especially the terms related to the exemption or limitation of liability, governing laws and dispute resolution, to enjoy a better service experience. You shall pay special attention to the exemption or limitation of liability clause and other content emphasized in bold.
If you are under the age of 18, please immediately stop using the Advertising Platform and relevant services.
We will be unable to provide you with full access to the products and services if you do not consent to the Agreement. You may also choose to discontinue your use of the Platform. You shall be deemed to have fully understood and consent to be bound by the Agreement and other agreements and guidelines for the Advertising Platform and relevant services (including without limitation the Privacy Policy) as a party to the Agreement if you consent to the Agreement or decide to use the Advertising Platform and relevant services.
The Company reserves the right at its sole discretion to arrange or designate its affiliates, controlled companies, succeeding companies or third-party companies recognized by the Company to continue operating the Advertising Platform based on the needs of relevant services or operations of the Platform. In addition, some services involved in the Agreement may be provided by the affiliates, controlled companies, succeeding companies of the Company or third-party companies recognized by the Company. By reading and agreeing to accept the service content, you are deemed to accept the relevant rights and obligations hereunder and are bound by the Agreement.
2. Advertising Platform and Relevant Services
2.1 You can use the Advertising Platform and relevant services through the website (https://ad.oceanengine.com/) labeled as "Ocean Advertising Platform" and the client application labeled as "Ocean Engine". You can get the client application of Ocean Engine through pre-installation or by downloading from a third party authorized by the Company or visit relevant websites of the Advertising Platform when you use the Advertising Platform and relevant services through the Ocean Engine client application. The Company does not warrant that the non-official version of the Ocean Engine client application you obtain from the channels other than the Company or a third party authorized by the Company can be used normally, and you shall be solely liable for the losses incurred by you.
2.2 The Company may develop different application software versions for different terminal devices. You shall obtain, download and install the appropriate version based on your device conditions.
2.3 You may use the Ocean Engine client application and relevant services or update the client application version based on your needs, and may choose to uninstall the application software if you no longer need to use the Ocean Engine client application and relevant services.
2.4 The Company will provide updates or changes to the Advertising Platform and relevant services from time to time (including without limitation software modification, upgrade, feature enhancement, new service development and software replacement,etc) to provide you with quality services and a better experience, and you may choose whether to update the versions as needed. In order to ensure the security of the Advertising Platform and relevant services and improve user services, the Company will keep you notified when the Advertising Platform and relevant services are updated partially or wholly in an appropriate manner (including without limitation system prompts, announcements and website messages), and you have the right to choose whether to accept the updated version. If you choose not to update the version, you will have no access to or cannot use some features of the Advertising Platform and relevant services.
2.5 You shall not access or use the Advertising Platform and relevant services in any form, including without limitation adapting, reproducing, disseminating, vertical searching, mirroring, or trading, without prior express written authorization from the Company.
2.6 You understand that you need to have a terminal device (such as PC or mobile phone) when you use the Advertising Platform and relevant services. By opening the Ocean Engine client application or visiting the websites related to the Advertising Platform in your terminal device, you are deemed to use the Advertising Platform and relevant services. You may need to connect your device to the Internet to fully access all features of the Advertising Platform. You acknowledge that you shall assume all expenses (such as data and Internet fees) incurred therefrom.
2.7 The Company provides you with a personal, revocable, non-assignable, non-exclusive, and non-commercial right to legally use the Advertising Platform and relevant services. All other rights not expressly granted in the Agreement are retained by the Company, and you must obtain written permission from the Company before exercising such rights. Additionally, the Company's failure to exercise any of the above rights does not constitute a waiver of such rights.
2.8 You can start using the Advertising Platform and relevant services without registration, but you may have no access to some features or services. You shall also understand that you are required to register with your real identity information and log in to use some features and/or some individual services in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations so that we can provide you with a better user experience and ensure your account security when you use the Advertising Platform and relevant services. The Company is entitled to refuse provision of services to you, and you may not be able to use the Advertising Platform services or find some service features restricted for your use if the materials or information you submit is inaccurate, unauthentic, non-compliant or illegal, or the Company has reason to doubt such data is incorrect, unauthentic or illegal.
2.9 Promotion Service Agreement
You acknowledge and confirm that you shall agree to the guidelines or agreements (such as the Data Promotion Service Agreement) when you use services on the Platform, and you can sign and confirm by following the content or prompts on relevant pages of the Platform.
2.10 Authorization terms
2.10.1 When you promote data through the Advertising Platform, you authorize the Company to take appropriate technical measures permitted by law for the websites involved in data promotion pursuant to the provisions of national laws, regulations and guidelines and for the purpose of protecting consumers' rights and interests and optimizing data promotion, in an effort to monitor whether the page content is normal during data promotion and record the conversion of data promotion.
2.10.2 You authorize the Company to review the content of the advertisements posted through your account and collect information about your advertisement exposure and display for the purposes of advertising compliance investigation, identification and violation handling, data promotion analysis and optimization, risk control and internal audit of the Company.
3. About Account
3.1 You acknowledge and agree to confirm your consent to the Ocean Engine Business Account Registration Agreement and the Ocean Engine Business Account Privacy Policy when you register an account on the Platform in order to register an Ocean Engine business account for easy use of the services on multiple platforms in the Ocean Engine Business Account system. Your registration and use of the Ocean Engine business account is bound by the above user Agreement and Privacy Policy.
You shall create an Ocean Engine business account first before you cooperate with the marketing service platforms under Ocean Engine, such as the Advertising Platform and the Feiyu CRM Platform. You must log in to this account to further create a business account for the corresponding platform. You shall comply with the User Agreement, Privacy Policy and other agreements for a marketing service platform and also the relevant terms in this Policy.
3.2 The Advertising Platform provides you with a login channel. You have the right to choose a valid character combination as your account and set your password that meets the complexity requirements. The account number and password set by a user are the credentials used by the user to log in to and use the Advertising Platform and relevant services. You shall ensure the authenticity of the identity information provided when registering, using and managing your account. You shall use authentic, accurate, legal, and valid identity verification materials and other necessary information (including your name, email address, phone number, mailing address, etc.).
3.3 You understand and warrant that the account you set is not in violation of applicable national laws or Company guidelines. You shall not use your account to commit any acts that may threaten national interests, the legal rights of other citizens or social morality. Your registration information (such as account name, profile picture and overview) and other information shall not contain illegal or immoral elements. You shall not register an account on behalf of someone else (including without limitation using another person's name, designation, title, profile picture, and other actions that could cause confusion) without that person's permission, nor shall you maliciously register an Advertising Platform account (including without limitation excessive registration or batch registration of accounts). The Company is entitled to review any information you submit. You understand and acknowledge that you shall submit relevant identity information, organization information and license to the Platform for verification if your account name or alias is a religious organization or person, is of a religious nature or contains religious content.
3.4 Your account is for your use only. You shall not provide, lend, rent, assign, sell or otherwise permit others to use such account without the Company's written consent. The Company is entitled to immediately suspend or terminate the services provided to the account or cancel the account if the Company discovers or has reasonable grounds to believe that the user is not the original account registrant to ensure account security.
3.4 You are responsible for keeping your account and password secure and confidential, and you shall assume full liability for any acts conducted using your account, including without limitation all liability that may arise from any acts on the Advertising Platform and in connection with relevant services. You shall secure the confidentiality of your account and password, and shall not disclose such information to others in any circumstances. You shall immediately notify the Company if you discover your account being used without your permission or any other security vulnerabilities.
3.5 You understand and acknowledge that you have obtained the appropriate authorization to register an account on the Advertising Platform and engage in any activity on the Advertising Platform using the registered account, and you undertake to assume full legal responsibility for any acts conducted using the Advertising Platform (https://ad.oceanengine.com/) account created under your account. You shall be solely responsible for your use of the Advertising Platform and relevant services and shall resolve any disputes or conflicts between you and the authorizing entity or other entities independently if you use the account beyond the authorized scope or period.
3.6 You shall promptly request the recovery of your account and password through the Company's complaint channel if you lose or forget such information. You understand and acknowledge that the Company's password recovery system only verifies that the information provided in the complaint form is consistent with system records, and cannot identify whether the complainant is the actual authorized account user. The Company urges you to safeguard your account and password carefully. You shall securely log out upon finishing use of the service. You shall be fully liable for account theft or password loss due to your improper storage or other force majeure events.
3.7 If you authorize an agent to create the advertiser account, by completing the real-name authentication process required by the Platform, you are deemed to authorize the agent to create the advertiser account, manage all permissions for the account, and view and access materials and other data information under the advertiser account, and acknowledge that the agent's acts under the advertiser account are your acts and you assume legal responsibilities for all the acts (including without limitation creating schedules, uploading materials and agreeing to agreements ,etc)under the account.
3.8 If your account corresponds to multiple advertising accounts, you will be redirected to the multi-account management page of Ocean Engine Business Platform (https://business.oceanengine.com/) when you log in through the Advertising Platform, where you can select the advertising account you want to log in to. The Ocean Engine Business Platform is an integrated, full-link business activity management and operation platform under Ocean Engine, which allows for cross-account coordination, role-based authorization and multi-scenario marketing.
3.9 For the purpose of standardizing the administration of religious affairs on the Internet and implementing the provisions of the Regulations on Religious Affairs, you agree and undertake to comply with the following:
3.9.1 All registered users shall not publish information that violates the prohibitive provisions of the Administrative Measures for Internet Religious Information Services;
3.9.2 Users shall not publish information that triggers disputes between different religions (including ethics) or disputes over religious doctrines and regulations;
3.9.3 Users shall not publish information that insults, slanders or denigrates religions (or ethnics) or vulgarizes the image of religions;
3.9.4 Users shall not publish information that attacks, taunts, denigrates or criticizes the Party and government policies concerning ethnics and religions and their decisions to deal with religious affairs;
3.9.5 Users shall not publish information that advocates for or propagates foreign religions;
3.9.6 For languages other than Chinese, the Platform can clearly state in the Registered User Agreement that information in such language shall not be published if it has no ability to review;
3.9.7 Users shall comply with regulations in the Internet industry.
3.9 You can request to close or de-register your Advertising Platform account when you want to stop using the Platform account service, and your account will be closed and de-registered after they are confirmed to meet the closing or de-registration conditions. You shall still assume responsibility for your behaviors prior to the de-registration of your account and during your use of the Advertising Platform services after you de-register your account. Your account records cannot be recovered and relevant features will be unavailable upon successful de-registration.
4. Users' Personal Information Protection
The Company is committed to the protection of your personal information (the information that can be used to identify a user's identity independently or in combination with other information). Protecting users' personal information is one of the Company's basic principles. You may be required to provide relevant information during your use of the Advertising Platform and relevant services so that the Company can provide you with better services and technical support. The Company will use encryption, anonymization and other technical measures suitable for the Advertising Platform and relevant services and other security measures to protect the information you submit. For details about personal information protection, please refer to the Privacy Policy.
5. User Code of Conduct
5.1. User code of conduct
You shall be responsible for your use of the Advertising Platform and relevant services. You shall not use the Advertising Platform and relevant services to engage in any of the following acts unless permitted by law or with the prior written permission of the Company:
5.1.1 Use of any plug-ins, add-ons, systems, or third-party tools not authorized or licensed by the Company to interfere with, disrupt, modify, or otherwise influence the regular operation of the Advertising Platform and relevant services or influence the normal services of the Advertising Platform by other unconventional means.
5.1.2 Use of the Advertising Platform and relevant services to engage in acts that damage computer network security, including without limitation:
(1) acts that damage network security such as intrusion into other networks, interference with the functions of these networks, and theft of network data;
(2) providing programs and tools specifically designed for acts that threaten network security such as network intrusion, interference with normal network functions and protection measures, and theft of network data;
(3) providing assistance to other individuals, such as by providing them with technical support, promotional advertisement, and payment settlement while aware of their engagement in acts that threaten network security;
(4) providing unauthorized data or server/account access;
(5) unauthorized access to public computer networks or private computer systems to delete, modify or store information;
(6) unauthorized attempts to probe, scan or test the vulnerabilities of the Advertising Platform system or network, or otherwise compromise its network security;
(7) attempt to interfere with or harm the operation of the Advertising Platform system or website by intentionally spreading malicious programs or viruses, or otherwise disrupting and interfering with network information services;
(8) partial or complete forgery of TCP/IP packet names;
(9) reverse engineering, reverse compilation, and compilation of the Advertising Platform and relevant services, or attempts to discover the source code of the Platform through other means;
(10) malicious registration of accounts for the Advertising Platform and relevant services, including without limitation frequent and batch account registrations;
(11) any other acts that violate the laws, the Agreement or the Company's guidelines, or infringe upon any legal rights and interests of others.
5.1.3 Production, reproduction, upload, publishing, or dissemination (including without limitation the upload of non-disclosed, non-released content to the Advertising Platform) of information that violates the requirements of the "seven bottom lines" including laws and regulations, the socialist system, national interests, legal rights and interests of citizens, public order, social morality, and truthful information, including without limitation:
(1) content opposing the basic principles established by the Constitution;
(2) content that endangers national security and divulges state secrets;
(3) content that subverts state power, incites overthrowing the socialist system, secession, or undermines national unity;
(4) content that harms national honor and interests;
(5) content promoting terrorism and extremism;
(6) content inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, or undermining ethnic unity;
(7) content inciting regional discrimination or regional hatred;
(8) content undermining national religious policies, or promoting cults and superstitions;
(9) content involving the use of religions to incite subverting state power, oppose the CPC leadership, undermine the socialist system, national unity, ethnic unity and social stability, and promote terrorism, extremism, separatism and religious fanaticism;
(10) content involving the use of religions to hamper the implementation of national judicial, educational, marriage, social management and other systems;
(11) content involving the use of religions to promote cults and feudal superstitions, harm citizens' health, and obtain property in a deceptive or coercive manner;
(12) content violating the principle of religious independence and self-management in China;
(13) content undermining the harmony between different religions, within the same religion and between religious and non-religious citizens;
(14) content discriminating and insulting religious or non-religious citizens and impairing the legal rights and interests of religious or non-religious citizens;
(15) engagement in illegal religious activities or provision of convenience for illegal religious activities;
(16) content inducing minors to adopt a religion, or organizing or forcing minors to participate in religious activities;
(17) promotion, distribution and delivery of religious goods, internal informational publications and illegal publications in the name of a religion;
(18) conducting of activities by impersonating religious personnel;
(19) publishing of content involving other religious groups, institutions, places and personnel other than the registered user without their written consent, and lacking of the required approval qualifications on the part of the information publisher of the reprinted content;
(20) organization of fund-raising activities in the name of religions or solicitation of assistance in building, printing and donation without required qualifications and procedures for religions;
(21) content involving the creation or spreading of rumors and misinformation to disrupt economic and social order and undermine social stability;
(22) content spreading and disseminating information involving obscenity, eroticism, gambling, violence, homicide and terror, or abetting crimes;
(23) content that endangers network security or uses the network to engage in acts that undermine national security, honor and interests;
(24) content that infringes upon other people's legal rights by insulting or defaming them;
(25) content intimidating, threatening, or inappropriately discloses the personal information of others;
(26) content involving other people's privacy, personal information, or data;
(27) obscene language that undermines public order and morality;
(28) content infringing upon other people's privacy, reputation, portrait rights, intellectual property rights, and other legal rights;
(29) meaningless information or deliberate use of character combinations to avoid automatic censorship;
(30) content that infringes upon the legal rights and interests of minors or harms their physical or mental health;
(31) video or audio recorded without the subject's consent that infringes upon their legal rights;
(32) content containing cruel, violent, or dangerous material that harms the performer's own or other people's physical or mental health, including without limitation:
i. Any content demonstrating violence and/or self-harm;
ii. Any content threatening life and health and endangering one's own or others' personal and/or property rights in which cutting tools and other dangerous instruments are used for performance;
iii. Content inciting or inducing others to participate in dangerous or illegal activities that may result in personal injury or death;
(33) other content that violates the laws, regulations, policies, and public order and morality, interferes with the regular operation of the Advertising Platform, or infringes upon the legal rights and interests of other users and any third parties.
5.2 You undertake to abide by the following requirements:
5.2.1 You shall make, publish or disseminate content in strict accordance with the Administrative Measures for Internet Religious Information Services and applicable laws and regulations, and shall obtain the online religious information service license and comply with the national provisions concerning online religious information services when providing the public with religious doctrines and regulations, religious knowledge, religious culture, religious activities and other religious information services in the form of text, picture, audio and video through the Platform.
5.2.2 You shall abide by the Constitution, laws, regulations, and rules, practice socialist core values, adhere to the principle of independence and self-governance in China's religious affairs, insist on developing religions in the Chinese context, provide active guidance for the adaptation of religions to a socialist society, and maintain religious harmony, social harmony, and ethnic harmony;
5.2.3 Unless identical to the name of the applicant, the name used to perform online religious information services shall not be the name of any religious group, religious institution and place of religious activities or contain any content that is of a religious nature or prohibited by the laws and administrative regulations;
5.2.4 Anyone who performs online religious information services shall indicate the Online Religious Information Service License Number in a prominent position. 5.2.5 According to the Administrative Measures for Internet Religious Information Services and applicable laws and regulations, you agree and undertake not to: (1) do missionary work; (2) carry out religious education and training, release preaching content or forward or link to relevant content; (3) organize religious activities; (4) play live broadcast or recorded broadcast of worshiping Buddha, burning joss sticks, being initiated into monkhood or nunhood, chanting sutras, salat, massing, being baptized and other religious rites in the form of text, picture, audio and video; (5) establish religious organizations, religious institutions and places of religious activities and develop believers; (6) raise donations in the name of a religion.
5.3 You agree that the Platform may take necessary measures such as deletion and account freezing if you publish information without permission or beyond permission or in breach of applicable policies and regulations. If the comment feature is available, you agree that the Platform will take necessary measures such as deletion and hiding when the Platform believes that the comment is in breach of applicable policies and regulations upon its review.
5.4 The Company may make judgments and take action at its own discretion, and terminate the services provided to you without prior notice, take necessary actions and hold you liable, if it has reason to believe that any of your actions violate or may violate the above agreements.
5.5 You can file complaints on and report any illegal acts, unauthorized dissemination, and harmful content pursuant to the Company's public complaint and reporting guidelines. The Company will receive and promptly process your complaints and reports so as to create a clean and upright network experience with the help of your feedback.
6. Usage Specification for Data, Information and Content on the Advertising Platform
6.1 You shall not personally conduct or authorize or allow any third party to conduct or assist them in conducting the following acts related to the data, information and content from the Advertising Platform hereof and relevant services without the Company's written permission:
(1) Use (including without limitation copying, reading and adopting) the data, information and content from the Advertising Platform and relevant services;
(2) Release, offer, disclose to any third person in any way or use for any purpose other than for the platform service the data, information and content obtained from the Advertising Platform and relevant services;
(3) Display or use the data, information and content from the Advertising Platform and relevant services on the channels other than the source pages of the Advertising Platform and relevant services upon unauthorized editing, sorting and arrangement;
(4) Adversely impact the data, information and content from the Advertising Platform and relevant services independently or by a third party through the identification methods of any form, including without limitation, special identifiers and special codes;
(5) Automatically obtain the data of this website through a software program;
(6) Illegally obtain or use the data, information and content from the Advertising Platform and relevant services.
7. Penalties for Breach
7.1 The Company is entitled to take any action it deems appropriate, including pre-warning, immediate cessation of information transmission, limitation of the functions of the account in part or in whole, and permanent closing of the account, in response to your violation of the Agreement or other terms of service, at its discretion. The Company is entitled to announce its determination and decide whether to resume the use of relevant accounts based on actual conditions. Records will be kept for suspected crimes and violations of applicable laws and regulations, and we will report such to the competent authorities and cooperate with their investigation pursuant to applicable laws.
The Platform has the right to stop information transmission, and take necessary measures including eliminating, limiting the functions, and closing the account if organization users fail to apply for the Internet religious information service license in time upon request from the Platform, the individual users release information that is beyond the religious culture and religious knowledge, the user names or nicknames are those of religious organizations or persons or are of a religious nature or contain religious content but they fail to submit relevant identity and organization information within three (3) business days, and the Platform discovers that the user is in breach of the provisions concerning the administration of Internet religious information services.
7.2 You shall independently respond to and assume all liability for any third party's complaint, lawsuit, or claim arising out of your violation of the Agreement or other terms of service. You shall fully indemnify the Company and its affiliates against all losses suffered if the Company and its affiliates are required to indemnify any third party or incur penalties from any national authorities due to your violations, infringement, or breach of the terms.
7.3 The Company respects and protects the legal rights and interests of users and third parties, including without limitation intellectual property rights, reputation rights, name rights, and privacy rights. You warrant that any text, picture, video, audio, link and other content you upload when using the Advertising Platform and relevant services shall not infringe upon any third party's intellectual property rights, reputation rights, name rights, privacy rights, or other legal rights and interests. The Company shall otherwise be entitled to remove such suspected infringing content and take any necessary action according to applicable laws and regulations and the platform rules upon receipt of notice from the right holder or any third party. You shall independently respond to and assume all liability for any third-party claims. You shall fully indemnify the Company and its affiliates against any losses suffered if the Company or its affiliates incur losses (including without limitation economic and goodwill losses) due to your infringement.
7.4 You shall comply with any applicable network security laws, regulations and other guidelines designed to protect the end users' personal information, privacy and national information security. You warrant that the data, information and content you upload onto the Advertising Platform does not violate the provisions in applicable national laws, regulations and other guidelines and the authorization and permission have been obtained from the relevant right holder. You shall obtain the authorization and consent from the user whose information is collected and the Company reserves the right to verify whether relevant authorization is complete if you collect and obtain users' personal information when using the Company's services (including without limitation data promotion services). You shall fully indemnify the Company and/or its affiliates against all losses arising out of claims from any third parties or penalties from any national authorities due to the Advertising Platform's use of the data, information and content provided by you.
8. Service Amendments, Interruption and Termination
8.1 You understand and agree that the Advertising Platform and relevant services are provided by the Company based on the current state of technology and existing conditions. The Company will do its best to provide you with the services and ensure the continuity and security of the services. You understand that the Company cannot anticipate or prevent technical or other risks, including without limitation risks caused by force majeure, network failures, third-party service flaws, third-party websites, or other factors that may lead to service interruptions, inability to use the Platform and services normally, or other losses and risks arising therefrom.
8.2 You understand and agree that the Company is entitled to determine the service/feature setting and scope and modify, interrupt, suspend, or terminate the Advertising Platform and relevant services based on overall operational and Advertising Platform operation security needs.
9. Intellectual Property Rights
9.1 Intellectual property rights and relevant rights for any content (including without limitation platform, technology, programs, web pages, text, graphics, images, audio, video, charts, page layouts, and electronic documents) provided by the Company through the Advertising Platform and relevant services belong to the Company. The platform copyrights, patent rights and all other intellectual property rights on which the Company's services are based are owned by the Company. No one shall be entitled to use content from the Advertising Platform and relevant services (including without limitation monitoring, reproducing, disseminating, displaying, mirroring, uploading, or downloading the content through any robot, spider, or other program or device) without the Company's authorization.
9.2 The Company has the intellectual property rights and relevant rights for all the materials within this website, and any authorized browsing, reproduction, printing and dissemination of such data must be compliant with the following conditions:
9.2.1 All data and images must be used for information purposes;
9.2.2 No data and images shall be used for commercial purposes;
9.2.3 All data, images and any part thereof must include both of the above.
9.3 You acknowledge, understand and agree that in order to continuously improve and provide you with better services, you grant the Company and its affiliates, controlled companies and succeeding companies a worldwide, free, non-exclusive, sublicensable (through multiple tiers) right (including without limitation the right to reproduction, information network transmission, adaption, compilation, modification, translation, creation of derivative works, performance and display) to use the content you upload, release, transmit or disseminate on the Advertising Platform and through relevant services (including without limitation data, text, picture, image, audio, video and/or music, sound and dialog in the audio) in the places including without limitation the current or other websites, applications, products or terminal devices. You hereby confirm and agree that the above right includes the right and permission to use and otherwise develop the content (in whole or in part) in any dissemination, promotion, advertisement and/or relevant marketing in connection with the content, the Advertising Platform, the Company and/or the brands of the Company. For the avoidance of doubt, you agree that the above right includes the permission to use, reproduce, display, and disseminate the personal images, portraits, names, trademarks, service marks, brands, designations, identifications, company logos and other materials and resources you own or are licensed to use and embed.
9.4 You confirm and agree to authorize the Company to act on your behalf or entrust a professional third party to defend the rights of content in case of infringement of the content with intellectual property rights or legal authorization you upload or release, and the rights may be protected through means including without limitation monitoring infringements, sending rights protection letters, filing lawsuits or arbitration, meditation or reconciliation. The Company can make any independent decisions and take any independent measures related to rights protection matters.
9.5 The Company shall provide technical support for the development and operation of the Advertising Platform and relevant services and is entitled to all data and information generated during the development and operation of the Advertising Platform and relevant services to the extent permitted by laws.
9.6. You may not, under any circumstances, use any of the Company's trademarks, service marks, trade names, domain names, website names, or other salient brand features (hereinafter collectively referred to as "logos"), including without limitation "Ocean Engine" and "[https://ad.oceanengine.com/]". Without the Company's prior written consent, you may not, in any way, display or use the aforesaid logos in this clause, individually or in combination, apply for a registered trademark or register a domain name, etc., or conduct any activities that, explicitly or implicitly, indicate that you have the right to display or use the logos or have other rights for these logos. You shall be fully liable for any losses suffered by the Company or any third parties due to your use of the above Company trademarks or logos in violation of the Agreement.
10. Disclaimer
10.1 You understand and agree that the Advertising Platform and relevant services may be affected or disrupted by several factors. The Company makes no warranties on (including without limitation):
10.1.1 The suitability of the Advertising Platform and relevant services to all user requirements;
10.1.2 The Advertising Platform and relevant services are free from disruption, timely, secure, reliable or error-free; any platform, services or other information obtained by the user through the Company shall meet user’s expectations;
10.1.3 Any errors in the Advertising Platform and relevant services will be corrected.
10.2 All the information and materials provided on the Advertising Platform are provided "as is" and "as was". The Advertising Platform will not update or delete the outdated information in these information and materials, nor will it warrant or indicate that the information provided is complete and accurate. Neither the Company nor any of its affiliates or subsidiaries make any representations or warranties, whether express or implied, with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this website.
10.3 You understand and agree that you may encounter factors such as force majeure (force majeure refers to any unforeseeable, insurmountable and unavoidable objective events) while using the Advertising Platform and relevant services, including without limitation acts of god (such as floods, earthquakes and typhoons,etc), government action, wars, strikes or riots,etc. The Company will do its utmost to promptly restore the platform functionality in the event of force majeure, and shall be exempt from liability for the losses suffered by the user due to force majeure to the extent permitted by law.
10.4 The Company is entitled to process illegal content under the Agreement, but such right does not constitute the Company's obligation or commitment to do so, and the Company does not warrant to promptly detect or promptly process any violations.
10.5 You understand and agree that the Company does not provide any kind of express or implied warranties or conditions for the Advertising Platform and relevant services, including without limitation commercial merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. You shall be solely responsible for the risks in the use of the Advertising Platform and relevant services.
10.6 In no event shall the Company be liable for any indirect, consequential, punitive, incidental, or special damages, including lost profit arising out of your use of the Advertising Platform and relevant services. The total responsibility we bear, regardless of the reason or the form of behavior, shall never exceed the fees (if any) you pay to the Company for using the Advertising Platform and relevant services during the term.
10.7 Some features of the Platform may be provided by a third party, such as the advertising territory-specific capability. The Platform will provide you with services in reliance on the information and other content provided by a third party, and in case of service interruption and other losses and risks caused by a defect in the third-party services, you understand and agree that such defect cannot be foreseen by the Company, and the Company will not be deemed to breach the Agreement. You agree to waive the right to hold the Advertising Platform liable for the losses caused thereby to you.
11. Special Provisions on Individual Services and Third-party Services
11.1 The Advertising Platform and relevant services contain the information or information content links obtained by the Company through various legal means, and also contain other individual services legally operated by the Company and its affiliates. These services may exist in separate sectors on the Advertising Platform. The Company has the right to increase, decrease or alter the settings and services of these special sectors. You authorize the Company to synchronize the necessary information of your account with the affiliates to facilitate your normal use of relevant services if you use the services operated by the affiliates of the Company.
11.2 You may enable and use the above individual service features on the Advertising Platform. Some individual services may require you to accept the agreements made with respect to such services or other rules binding on you and such service provider. When necessary, the Company will provide these agreements and rules in a prominent manner for your reference. By using the above services, you are deemed to understand and agree to be bound by the agreements and rules concerning individual services. The period for use of these services is from the date when you start using these services to the date when these services are no longer provided on the Advertising Platform if the period for use is not indicated or not indicated as "permanent", "indefinite" or "unlimited". You shall bear the liabilities or consequences resulting from your use of individual services.
11.3 You may be required to agree to and comply with the agreements and rules of third parties in addition to complying with this Agreement and other relevant rules with respect to the Advertising Platform when you use the software and relevant services provided by a third party on the Advertising Platform. You shall independently resolve any dispute, loss or damage arising from third-party software and relevant services and the Company shall not be responsible to you and any third party for such dispute, loss or damage.
12. Miscellaneous
12.1 The conclusion, effectiveness, performance, interpretation and dispute settlement of the Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. If any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforcible due to conflict with the laws of the People's Republic of China, these provisions shall be re-interpreted as close to the original intent of this Agreement as possible, and other provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.
12.2 The Agreement shall be executed in Haidian District, Beijing, People's Republic of China. Any dispute between you and the Company arising from the Agreement shall be resolved through amicable negotiation. You agree to submit the dispute to the People's Court in Haidian District, Beijing, should such negotiation fail to resolve the dispute.
12.3 The Advertising Platform and relevant services shall be regularly updated and changed to provide you with better services or in response to amendments to national law or policies, if any. We will amend the Agreement in due course, and such amendments shall be deemed as a part of the Agreement. We will publish the updated version of this Agreement on the Advertising Platform and inform you of the updates through the official website (https://ad.oceanengine.com/) or other appropriate methods to keep you up to date and informed with the latest version of this Agreement before the updated terms take effect, and you may also view the latest terms of the Agreement on the homepage of the website or the platform setting page. Your continued use of the Advertising Platform and relevant services shall be deemed as your acceptance of the amended Agreement.
Please immediately stop logging into or using the Advertising Platform and relevant services if you disagree with the amended Agreement. Your continued login to or use of the Advertising Platform and relevant services shall be deemed as your acknowledgment and acceptance of the amended Agreement.
12.4 The headings in this Agreement are for the convenience of reading only, and shall not in any way affect the meaning or interpretation of any provision in this Agreement.
12.5 You and the Company are independent entities. In no case shall this Agreement constitute a warranty or condition of any kind, express or implied, for users of the Company, and be construed as in any way establishing an agency, partnership, joint venture, or employment relationship.